Raising Awareness

Through this project we aimed to raise awareness of the importance of biodiversity, conservation, recycling and good environmental practices in girls and young women from the Pacoche Community, in agreement with the Girl Guides and Girl Scouts of Ecuador.


December 2019

Awareness talk about the Pacoche Coastal Marine Wildlife Refuge to local and national tour guides who provide their services to the tour operator Aberkrombie & Kent.

November 2018

Visit to the Marine Fauna Rehabilitation Center to learn about the importance of protecting wildlife and not littering.

November 2018

Visit to the Machalilla National Park where it was possible to learn about the local ecosystem and its need for conservation.

May 2018

Workshop at the Pacoche Community on the importance of recycling and waste reuse.

March 2017

Visit to the Pacoche Lodge & Reserve trails to learn about local Biodiversity and its importance inside the Wildlife National Refuge of Pacoche.